Monday 29 July 2013

Fungsi Vitamin B Complex

Vitamin B Complex adalah merupakan gabungan dari beberapa vitamin yang larut air. Komponen B Complex terdiri daripada:

1. B1 (thiamin)
2. B2 (riboflovin)
3. B3 (niacin)
4. B5
5. B6 (pyridoxine)
6. B12 (cobalamine)
7. Acid folic
8. Asid panthothenic
9. Biotin

Setiap komponen dalam vitamin B Complex memiliki fungsi khusus. Vitamin ini membantu dalam fungsi sistem pertahanan tubuh dan saraf yang sihat. Ia juga membantu dalam penghasilan sel darah merah dan mampu mencegah anemia.

Kekurangan vitamin B Complex boleh melemahkan sistem saraf dan mengganggu fungsi otak yang mana akan meningkatkan lagi risiko penyakit jantung. Kekurangannya juga boleh menyebabkan pembentukan sel abnormal dan boleh mengakibatkan anemia.

Selain itu, kekurangan vitamin B Complex juga dikaitkan dengan masalah seperti depresi dan kehilangan memori. Terdapat beberapa keadaan di mana kekurangan vitamin B Complex akan menimbulkan masalah kesihatan seperti keletihan, sesak nafas, insomnia, kurang konsentrasi dan mudah tersinggung


1. Menghasilkan tenaga dan berperanan dalam membantu kemampuan berfikir.

2. Mengelakkan penyakit beri-beri.

3. Merangsang pertumbuhan pada kanak-kanak.

4. Diperlukan untuk kesihatan mata, kulit, kuku dan rambut.

5. Penting untuk sirkulasi dan fungsi normal sistem saraf.

6. Mencegah stress.

7. Menguatkan antibodi tubuh.

8. Amat penting untuk aktiviti sel genetik.

9. Diperlukan dalam pembentukan protein asid amino.

10. Diperlukan untuk memproses dan perbaikan sel-sel darah merah.

11. Mencegah anemia.


1. Merangsang pertumbuhan.

2. Meningkatkan kemampuan berfikir.

3. Memberikan tambahan tenaga.


1. Menambah tenaga.

2. Mengurangkan stress.

3. Melambatkan proses uban di rambut.

4. Membantu meningkatkan konsentrasi.


1. Amat diperlukan untuk pembentukan dan aktiviti sel genetik.

2. Mencegah anemia (tekanan darah rendah).

Saturday 27 July 2013

Shaklee Halal Kerr???

Assalamualaikum dan Salam Ramadhan...
Ramai di luar sana terutama peminat Shaklee tertanya-tanya, adakah produk Shaklee halal untuk diambil oleh orang Islam. Saya dengan sukacitanya ingin mengumumkan bahawa produk Shaklee adalah HALAL untuk diambil oleh umat Islam. ^_^

Sijil Halal Shaklee

Wednesday 24 July 2013

Promosi Pra Syawal!!! Harga Menarik!!! Harga Mampu Milik!!!

Khas kepada SEMUA PELANGGAN SETIA kami serta mereka yang sedang
mencari-cari makanan tambahan yang sesuai@ngam dengan diri serta keperluan.

Rahsia Nutrisi Semulajadi dan Borneo Herbal Hut-Cawangan Sandakan
dengan ini berbesar hati menawarkan produk-produk Shaklee
pada harga yang terbaik serta mampu dimiliki oleh semua pencinta produk kesihatan.

Namun anda mampu berusaha ke arah mencapai kesihatan yang lebih baik.


Hubungi : 
RINA @013252310
CIKGU SABRI @0195525287 (Sabah Agent)

Menyambut Kelahiran Bayi Menurut Sunnah

Antara perkara yang Rasulullah SAW letakkan keutamaan yang tinggi adalah pada didikan untuk generasi akan datang. Nabi SAW jadikannya penting sejak sebelum perkahwinan lagi, semasa memilih calon, kemudian ketika proses mengandung dan juga kelahiran dengan memastikan anak yang lahir itu dikelilingi oleh adab-adab yang menjadikan kelahiran tersebut sebagai persiapan kepada anak itu untuk menjadi hamba Allah yang soleh, terpelihara daripada syaitan dan daripada penyakit dalaman dan luaran yang mungkin menimpa manusia.Sunnah-sunnah ketika menyambut kelahiran bayi ialah:

1. Mengazankan bayi

Nabi SAW mengambil berat tentang bayi yang baru lahir dari rahim ibunya dengan mengalunkan azan ke telinganya supaya sejak lahir lagi bayi tersebut didendangkan dengan zikrullah dan supaya ia menjadi pelindungnya daripada syaitan yang direjam.

Nabi SAW apabila mendapat tahu tentang kelahiran cucunya Hasan, baginda bergegas mendapatkannya lalu mengalunkan azan ke telinga kanannya dan iqamah ke telinga kirinya.

Baginda bersabda bahawa bayi yang diazankan tidak akan diganggu oleh 'ummu sibyan' iaitu sejenis syaitan yang dikhaskan untuk menganggu bayi yang baru lahir.

2. Bertahnik 

Nabi SAW akan mengambil sedikit air liur baginda dan dimasukkan ke dalam mulut bayi yang baru lahir dan meratakannya ke seluruh mulutnya.

3. Menamakan bayi

Menamakan bayi pada hari yang ke-7 selepas kelahirannya. Nabi SAW bersabda yang bermaksud: "Namakan mereka dengan nama pada nabi. Dan sebaik-baik nama ialah Abdullah dan Abdul Rahman. Semolek-moleknya ialah Haris dan Hamam. Manakala seburuk-buruknya ialah Harb dan Murrah."

4. Bercukur

Mencukur kepala bayi. Disunatkan pada hari ke-7 kelahiran bayi untuk dicukur kepalanya sehingga habis.

5. Menderma berdasarkan berat rambut bayi yang dicukur

Menimbang rambut bayi yang dicukur itu kemudian mendermakan perak dengan timbangan tersebut. Namun, ulamak menyatakan jika hendak didermakan dalam bentuk emas maka ia lebih baik untuk muslimin dan fakir miskin. 

6. Aqiqah

Menyembelih dua ekor kambing untuk anak lelaki dan seekor kambing untuk anak perempuan. Disunatkan untuk menyediakan sembelihan tersebut dan menjemput orang ramai untuk menikmatinya. Disunatkan bagi yang dijemput untuk memenuhi jemputan aqiqah kerana Nabi SAW menggalakkan kita memenuhi undangan aqiqah sehinggakan ada sebahagian ulamak mewajibkan kita untuk memenuhi undangan aqiqah.

7. Berkhatan

Berkhatan diwajibkan kepada anak lelaki dan digalakkan bagi anak perempuan.

Keinginan untuk menyampaikan berita gembira dan mengucapkan tahniah
Jika kita mendapat tahu tentang kelahiran baru, disunatkan untuk kita mengucapkan: "Moga Allah berkatimu dengan pemberian-Nya, semoga kamu bersyukur kepada-Nya, semoga Allah kurniakanmu keberkatan dan petunjuk-Nya."

Jika kita perhatikan ketujuh-tujuh sunnah ini dan mengamalkannya kepada anak-anak, mereka akan hidup bersama sunnah Rasulullah SAW. 

Sunday 21 July 2013

Puasa Mengajar Kita Bersabar ^_^

Banyakkanlah bersabar dalam menjalani kehidupan seharian.
Latihlah diri untuk bersabar dalam bulan Ramadhan yang mulia ini.

Allah berfirman : Sesungguhnya hanya orang-orang yang bersabarlah yang dicukupkan pahala tanpa batas. (QS. 39:10) 

Dan firman-Nya : Dan sungguh akan Kami berikan cobaan kepadam, dengan sedikit ketakutan, kelaparan, kekurangan harta, jiwa dan buah-buahan. Dan berikanlah berita gembira kepada orang-orang yang sabar, (QS. 2:155) 

(yaitu) orang-orang yang apabila ditimpa musibah, mereka mengucapkan:"Innaa lillahi wa innaa ilaihi raaji'uun". (QS. 2:156) 

Mereka itulah yang mendapatkan keberkatan yang sempurna dan rahmat dari Rabbnya, dan mereka itulah orang-orang yang mendapat petunjuk. (QS. 2:157)

Why Islam Forbids Pork? (Mengapa Islam Melarang Umatnya Memakan Khinzir?)

Food and drink have direct effect on our health. That is why Islam has prescribed regulations about our food and drink. It lays great emphasis on our physical as well as moral health, because both of these are equally important for a healthy society. The abstention from eating pork is one of the steps taken by Islam to practise hygiene and to attain purity of soul.

Islam, for the cultivation of inner faculties, insists upon the cleanliness of body and the purification of soul through Salaat (prayers) Zikr (remembrance of Allah) and other devotional duties. Islam teaches us how to attain the virtues and how to give up bad habits because both good and bad grow in the man according to his upbringing, education and environment.

A human being has natural desires: food, sleep and sex being the three primary ones. He has also other natural emotions: sorrow, happiness, love, fear, disgust and avarice etc. Islam doesn't recommend the complete abrogation of these impulses but offers a method of controlling them through religious education and discipline.

The prohibition of eating pork in Islam is relevant in this context. There is a saying in English that "a man becomes what he eats." According to physicians and medical experts, pork is a harmful diet. Consumption of swine-flesh creates lowliness in character and destroys moral and spiritual faculties in a man.

There are many more can-be-eaten animals out there.
Why choose pork? Say no to pork! Change now!

Body and Soul Body and Soul

The life of a man is a compound of body and soul. Anything, which is harmful for the body, hurts the soul as well. Consumption of swine-flesh reduces the feeling of shame and as such the standard of modesty. Those nations, which consume pork habitually, have a low standard of morality with the result that virginity, chastity and bashfulness are becoming a thing of the past in Europe today. The number of unwed mothers is on the increase despite of the use of pills and other contraceptives.

According to a report, 60 to 70% of girls in Sweden become mothers before marriage. The formula of "skin to skin is no sin" is taking its toll but there is hardly any feeling of shame or remorse over the end-result. Since the European nations have become addicted to wine and pork, sexual freedom with all its attendant evils has got ingrained in their culture. Consequently, homosexuality has been legalized by the British Parliament.

The Holy Qur'an has prohibited the swine-flesh, hence the Muslims would not dare touch it. The Bible has also forbidden swine-flesh, but Christians disregarded this order and started consuming it. The Europeans now proclaim that pork is a very powerful diet, rich in protein. Some of them further argue that since there is a great scarcity of food-stuff in the world and swines are available in abundant quantity, they should be consumed in the diet to overcome the food shortage. If this argument is true, why don't they use dog's meat as dogs too are available in abundance? The Europeans perhaps hate the mere mention of dog's meat in the same way as the Muslims shun pork.

Another wrong notion about swine-flesh is that its consumption lengthens life-span, although this is a pure myth and absurdity. On the contrary, people, who abstain from pork and liquor, have a longer span of life. The Muslims in Central Asia bear a testimony to this truth.

However, in the consumption of flesh Muslims are required to be selective and to distinguish between Halaal (Lawful) and Haraam (Unlawful). This step leads automatically to the deeper understanding of the need for the cultivation of a pure human nature. As blood is virtually our life-stream and whatever we consume ultimately affects the blood system, it is, therefore, necessary to exercise choice in the selection of our food and drinks as part of  the requirements of the Shariah.

There are certain food and drinks specified by Allah, and His Messenger Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) as forbidden. The prohibition of these food and drinks is not by any means an arbitrary action or an unwarranted decree of Allah. It is the first and foremost a divine intervention in the best interest of man and for his own benefit.

The reasons behind the Divine intervention are numerous. They are of a nature intellectual and spiritual, moral and mental, physical and economic. And the sole purpose is to show man how to develop himself according to an upright course of life in order to be a healthy unit in the structure of the family, then of society and eventually of humanity at large.

Reliable medical doctors and social scientists are able to realize how those food and drinks forbidden by Islam are harmful and destructive to the human spirit and morality as well as to the physique and moral fibre of man and to verify the benefits of Islamic legislations on the subjects.

The prohibition is based on the aim of the purification of one's nature, because food, when consumed, doesn't merely enter the stomach and intestines and become excreta. It is absorbed and metabolized into the system and circulated to all parts of the human body, including the brain, and this in no small way affects man's nature.

Take a look at the nature of the pig for example. The pig is naturally lazy and indulgent in sex, it is dirty, greedy and gluttonous. It dislikes sunlight and lacks the spirit and will to "fight." It eats almost anything, be it human excreta or anything foul and unwholesome. Amongst all animal flesh, pork is the favoured cradle of harmful germs. Pork also serves as a carrier of diseases to mankind. It is for this reason that its flesh is not suitable for consumption.

Some people have argued that the "modern pig" reared in farms is given only clean foods, therefore, its flesh should be consumable. The answer is that you may feed the pig on clean, wholesome food, but you can't change its nature. It is still a pig and will always stay so. A pig is not a plant and you cannot change it by bud-grafting.

Medical Reports Medical Reports

Dr. E. Kazim. M.D. in his article "Medical aspects of forbidden foods in Islam" (July 1981 issue of Muslim Journal has described diseases carried or caused by the flesh of the swine.

He writes:

The pig is a scavenger. It is an omnivorous animal. It eats everything. There are many diseases carried from swine to man, particularly parasite infestations. Lately extensive research has been focused on senility-old age is characterized by hardening of inner lining of the blood vessels of the heart, brain etc. a process called atheroselerosis. When a clot forms, it results in coronary thrombosis or a heart attack, cerebral thrombosis or stroke.

Different dietary factors are responsible for atheroselerosis. Gross atheroma may be produced in rabbit by feeding it with cholesterol, but when you add lard (derived from hog fat) to the cholesterol, the incidence of atheroma is increased and thus you would produce coronary thrombosis, and myocardial infraction.

Besides, lard contains 2800 units of vitamin D per 100 grams and no vitamin A at all. Lately vitamin D has been held responsible for atheroma, by causing increased absorption of calcium in the blood vessels. In human beings, serum cholesterol is not dependent on the intake of cholesterol in the diet, but depends upon the proportion of animal fats in the diet, which elevates the beta-lipo protein level in the blood. Animal fats contain saturated fatty acids and these saturated fatty acids have been found to be as one of the causes of atheroma in man. Medium fat bacon contains 25% proteins and 55% fat.

According to medical research, the fat content in pork is more than any other meat (beef, mutton etc.) and it takes longer to digest. Dr. M Jaffer in an article in the Islamic Review (London) of January 1997 issue has listed 16 kinds of harmful germs, which have been discovered in pork in modern researches and the diseases, which could be caused by them. The number of patients suffering from tapeworm disease is the highest in the world among pork eating nations. Other diseases attributed to pigs are caused by tri-chinelia spirates and intestinal worms occupy first place among such nations too.

Dr. Glen Shepherd wrote the following on the dangers of eating pork in Washington Post (31 May 1952).

"One in six people in USA and Canada have germs in their muscles - trichinosis 8 from eating pork infected with trichina worms. Many people who are infected shows no symptoms. Most of those, who do have, recover slowly. Some die; some are reduced to permanent invalids. All were careless pork caters".

He continued "No one is immune from the disease and there is no cure. Neither antibiotics nor drugs or vaccines affect these tiny deadly worms. Preventing infection is the real answer."

After reading the statement of Dr. Shepherd, one can realize that there is no real guarantee of safety when eating pork that one would not be affected by trichina worm. That is why modern doctors advise three prohibitions during illness: no liquor, no pork and no smoking.

Muslims follow the divine law which is much higher than the medical advice. The Glorious Qur'an says, "So eat of the lawful and good food which Allah has provided for you, and thank the bounty of your Lord if it is Him you serve. He has forbidden for you only carrion and  blood and swine-flesh and that which has been immolated in the name of any other than Allah; but he who is driven thereto, neither craving nor transgressing, Lo! then Allah is Forgiving, Merciful." (16:114-115)

The above is the order from the Creator of the universe and the Supreme Law-Giver. All Muslims are under the obligation to obey it. This is a plain and straightforward answer to those, who usually ask why Muslims abstain from eating pork. Nevertheless, there is no sin, if a Muslims is forced by famine or starvation to eat pork in order to save his life.

By: Rashid Shamsi
(The Muslim World League Journal, Rajab 1420 - October 1999)

Makanan Berkhasiat Untuk Ibu Hamil Menurut Rasulullah S.A.W

Para bakal ibu harus menitik beratkan
pengambilan makanan berkhasiat
untuk kesihatan bayi dalam kandungan.
Sebagai orang tua, tentulah kita menginginkan memiliki anak yang sempurna baik fizikal dan rohani. Oleh karana itu segala usaha harus dilakukan agar keinginan tersebut tercapai. Banyak orang tua yang mempersiapkan pendidikan dan keperluan untuk si buah hati bahkan sejak berada di dalam kandungan. Memang jika dilihat dari awal penciptaan manusia, kehidupan dimulai sebelum lahir ke dunia. Iaitu sembilan bulan didalam rahim. Itulah sebabnya di China, usia seseorang dihitung dari tarikh lahir dan ditambah dengan usia sembilan bulan dalam kandungan.

Tetapi tidak sedikit para ibu yang melupakan faktor makanan dalam mendidik akhlak anak saat dalam rahim. Padahal bayi mendapatkan makanan dari apa yang dibekalkan ibunya. Jika apa yang dimakan oleh ibunya baik, maka yang dimakan oleh bayi tentulah juga baik. Begitu juga sebaliknya. Sehingga dalam Islam, Rasululullah S.A.W menganjurkan agar memberi makanan yang baik dan halal, serta menjauhkan makanan yang diperoleh dari suatu perbuatan dosa. Tujuannya supaya akhlak anak baik dan terjaga dari segala perbuatan dosa di kehidupannya kelak.

Rasulullah S.A.W, memberikan tuntunan makanan apa saja yang berkhasiat untuk bayi sejak dalam kandungan. Dan sebagai umat Islam hendaknya kita meyakini serta mengamalkan tuntunan tersebut. Berikut ini info tentang makanan dan buah-buahan serta khasiatnya untuk bayi menurut Rasulullah SAW:

Buah Kurma
Kurma adalah tanaman yang hidup di daerah kering semenanjung arab. Memiliki buah yang berwarna coklat kehitaman, lonjong dan berdiameter 2-3 cm. Kandungan glukosa, fruktosa serta zat cair didalamnya sangat mudah diserap oleh tubuh. Oleh karena itu buah kurma juga beberapa kali disebutkan di dalam Alquran sebagai buah yang memiliki kelebihan dibanding buah lain. Berikut khasiat kurma menurut Rasulullah SAW:

Rasulullah S.A.W bersabda, “Berilah makan kurma wanita yang sedang hamil pada bulan-bulan terakhir kehamilannya supaya anaknya menjadi anak yang penyabar dan suci.”

Amirul Mukminin as berkata, “Barni adalah sebagus-bagusnya kurma. Berilah ia kepada para wanita yang sedang dalam masa nifas, supaya anaknya menjadi anak yang penyabar dan bijak.”

Imam Ja`far Shadiq as berkata, “Berilah makan barni (sejenis kurma) wanita yang telah melahirkan (pada masa nifas) supaya anaknya menjadi anak yang berakal dan murah hati.”

Sehingga dari uraian diatas, sangatlah dianjurkan memberikan Kurma untuk dikonsumsi ibu. jadi Air ASI-nya akan berisi berbagai khasiat yang disebutkan diatas. Sehingga ini semakin memperkuat keyakinan untuk memberikan ASI kepada Bayi, dan hendaknya tidak memberikan susu formula sebagai salah satu upaya mendidik akhlak dan fisik anak sejak dini.

Lu'ban adalah sejenis kemenyan khas arab yang biasa dipakai sebagai bahan pengharum dan parfum arab. Kandungan utamanya adalah unsur utama dari resin benzoin berbagai tanaman dari genus Styrax. Dengan memberikan lu'ban, bayi dalam rahim akan memperoleh banyak manfaat. maka Berikut Khasiat lu'ban menurut Rasulullah SAW:

Rasulullah saw bersabda, “Berilah makan lubân wanita yang sedang hamil, karena janin yang memakan lubân dalam perut ibunya akan menjadi kuat akalnya. Jika ia laki-laki ia akan menjadi seorang pemberani, jika ia perempuan ia akan menjadi perempuan yang besar pinggulnya dan dicintai suaminya.”

Imam Ali Ridha as berkata, “Berilah makan lubân wanita yang sedang hamil. Karena, jika ia anak laki-laki ia akan menjadi laki-laki yang cerdas, pintar dan pemberani, dan jika ia anak perempuan ia akan menjadi perempuan yang berakhlak baik, cantik, berpinggul besar dan dicintai suaminya.”

Buah Safarjal
Safarjal adalah buah sejenis apel dengan nama latin Cydonia oblonga. Buahnya banyak mengandung khasiat, di amerika di sebut dengan nama Quince.

Rasulullah SAW bersabda, "Berilah makan buah safarjal (sejenis apel) kepada wanita yang sedang hamil, karena ia dapat membuat bagus akhlak anak yang akan dilahirkan."
Semangka adalah buah dari tanaman merambat yang serumpun dengan labu, melon dan ketimun. Buahnya yang banyak mengandung air membuatnya sering dijadikan jus. Daging buahnya berwarna merah dan kuning.

Rasulullah SAW memberikan anjuran agar ibu hamil mengkonsumsi semangka sebagaimana sabda beliau: "Setiap wanita hamil yang makan buah semangka maka anaknya akan cantik wajahnya dan baik akhlaknya."

Friday 19 July 2013

12 Jenis Makanan Kegemaran Rasulullah S.A.W

Hari ini RNS ingin berkongsi beberapa jenis makanan kegemaran Rasulullah S.A.W yang boleh kita amalkan dalam diet pemakanan kita seharian.

1. Air

2. Anggur

3. Barli

4. Tembikai (Segala jenis tembikai)

5. Buah Tin

6. Cendawan

7. Cuka

8. Delima

9. Kurma

10. Madu

11. Minyak Zaitun

12. Susu 

Wednesday 17 July 2013

25 Ways To Reduce Stress and Anxiety According To Islam

Stress is life. Stress is anything that causes mental, physical, or spiritual tension. There is no running away from it. All that matters is how you deal with it. This article does not deal with the factors of stress, anxiety, and depression, nor is it a clinical advice. If you feel depressed, you are not alone. It has been estimated that 75 to 90 percent of all visits to primary care physicians in America are for stress-related problems. This is why it is wise to consult a doctor if you are having physical symptoms of stress. However, here are some tips that can help from a spiritual perspective.

Torture. Beatings. Loss of property. The death of loved ones. These were
just some of the enormous challenges the Muslims of Makkah faced in the
seventh century following their acceptance of Islam in fiercely tribal and
polytheistic Makkah.

Detention. Harassment. Beatings. Discrimination. Loss of Job. Profiling.
Hate Crimes. Constant media attention. Surveillance. These are just some of
the challenges Muslims in America today face, post-9/11. Like our
predecessors in Makkah, we have begun to face great stress, anxiety, and
pressure, more than ever in our recent history on this continent, although
Muslims who were brought here as slaves faced worse than what we can even imagine. 

1. Ask Him. He Listens: DU`A 

Turn each anxiety, each fear and each concern into a Dua (supplication). Look at it as another reason to submit to God and be in Sajdah (prostration), during which you are closest to Allah. God listens and already knows what is in your heart, but He wants you to ask Him for what you want.

The Prophet said: Allah is angry with those who do not ask Him for anything

The Prophet once said that in prayer, he would find rest and relief (Nasai). He would also regularly ask for God's forgiveness and remain in prostration during prayer praising God (Tasbeeh) and asking for His forgiveness (Bukhari).

Allah wants you to be specific. The Prophet advised us to ask Allah for exactly what we want instead of making vague Duas. Dua is the essence of worship (the Prophet as quoted in Tirmidhi).

"Call on your Lord with humility and in private: for Allah loveth not those who trespass beyond bounds. Do not make mischief on the earth, after it hath been set in order, but call on Him with fear. And longing (in your hearts): for the mercy of Allah is (always) near to those who do good" (Quran 7:55-56).

2. Tie your Camel: DO YOUR PART

One day Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon him, noticed a Bedouin leaving his camel without tying it. He asked the Bedouin, "Why don't you tie down your camel?" The Bedouin answered, "I put my trust in Allah." The Prophet then said, "Tie your camel first, then put your trust in Allah" (Tirmidhi).

Muslims must never become fatalistic.  Although we know only Allah is in control and that He has decreed all things, we are each responsible for making the right choices and doing the right thing in all situations of our lives.  We must take action (link to planning articles on SV). We must work to alleviate the hardships we, our families and our communities face.

Ask yourself the following questions if you are worried about the state of the world: are you part of the peace movement? Is your Masjid part of the peace movement? Are you part of an interfaith group with an agenda of peace and justice? Are you working with a group fighting discrimination? If your answer is no, it is time that you sat down to plan your share of time and money in finding solutions to the problems you face.

"Verily Allah does not change men's condition unless they change their inner selves" (Quran 13: 11).

Turn each worry into a Du`a and each Du`a into an action plan. That will show your commitment to your request and will focus your energy in the right direction. 

3. Remember that human responsibility is limited

While we need to carry out our duty to the best of our abilities, always remember that you don't control the outcome of events. Even the Prophets did not control the outcome of their efforts. Some were successful, others were not. Once you have done your duty, leave the results to Allah. Regardless of the results of your efforts, you will be rewarded for the part you have played.

However, never underestimate your abilities. Understand the concept of Barakah (blessings from Allah) and remember that Allah can and Insha Allah will expand them if you are sincerely exerting your energies for the right path.

4. Leave the world behind you FIVE TIMES A DAY

Use the five daily prayers as a means to become more Hereafter-oriented and less attached to this temporary world. Start distancing yourself as soon as you hear Adhan, the call to prayer. When you perform Wudu, keep repeating Shahada, the declaration of faith, as water drops slip down your face, hands, arms, and hair. When you stand ready to pray, mentally prepare yourself to leave this world and all of its worries and stresses behind you.

Of course, Shaytan will try to distract you during prayer. But whenever this happens, go back and remember Allah. The more you return, the more Allah will reward you for it. Also, make sure your Sajdas (prostrations) are talking Sajdas, in which you are really connecting to God and seeking His Mercy, praising Him, and asking His forgiveness. (link to Sajda article...ramadan page) 

5. Seek help through SABR

Seek help through Sabr and Salat (Quran 2:45).

This instruction from Allah provides us with two critical tools that can ease our worries and pain. Patience and prayer are two oft-neglected stressbusters.  Sabr is often translated as patience but it is not just that.  It includes self-control, perseverance, endurance, and a focused struggle to achieve one's goal. Unlike patience, which implies resignation, the concept of Sabr includes a duty to remain steadfast to achieve your goals despite all odds.

Being patient gives us control in situations where we feel we have little or no control. 'We cannot control what happens to us but we can control our reaction to our circumstances' is the mantra of many modern-day self-help books. Patience helps us keep our mind and attitude towards our difficulties in check.

6. Excuse Me! You are Not Running the World, HE is.

It is important to remind ourselves that we don't control all the variables in the world. God does. He is the Wise, the All-Knowing. Sometimes our limited human faculties are not able to comprehend His wisdom behind what happens to us and to others, but knowing that He is in control and that as human beings we submit to His Will, enriches our humanity and enhances our obedience (Uboodiah in Arabic) towards him. Read the story of the encounter of Moses with the mysteries behind God's decision (Quran: 18:60-82). Familiarize yourself with God's 99 Names, which are also known as His Attributes. It is a powerful way of knowing Him.

"God-there is no deity save Him, the Ever-Living, the Self-Subsistent Fount of All being. Neither slumber overtakes Him, nor sleep. His is all that is in the heavens and all that is on earth. Who is there that could intercede with Him, unless it be by His leave? He knows all that lies open before men and all that is hidden from them, whereas they cannot attain to aught of His knowledge save that which He wills them to attain. His eternal power overspreads the heavens and the earth, and their upholding wearies Him not. And He alone is truly exalted, tremendous." (Quran 2:255).

The Prophet recommended reading this verse, known as Ayat al kursi, after each prayer, Allah's peace and blessings be upon him. Once Ali, may Allah be pleased with him, approached the Prophet during a difficult time and he found the Prophet in Sajda, where he kept repeating "Ya Hayy Ya Qayyum", words which are part of this verse. 

7. Birds Don't Carry their Food

Allah is al Razzaq (the Provider).

"How many are the creatures that carry not their own sustenance? It is Allah Who feeds them and you, for He hears and knows all things (Quran 29:60)."

By reminding yourself that He is the Provider, you will remember that getting a job or providing for your family in these economically and politically challenging times, when Muslims are often the last to be hired and the first to be fired, is in God's Hands, not yours. As Allah says in the Quran:

"And He provides for him from (sources) he never could imagine. And if anyone puts his trust in Allah, sufficient is (Allah) for him. For Allah will surely accomplish His purpose. Verily, for all things has Allah appointed a due proportion (Quran 65:3).

8. God controls Life and Death

If you fear for your physical safety and security, remember that only Allah gives life and takes it back and, that He has appointed the time for it. No one can harm you except if Allah wills. As He says in the Quran:

"Wherever you are, death will find you out, even if you are in towers built up strong and high!" (Quran 4:78).

9. Remember that life is short

It's easy to get caught up in our own stress and anxiety. However, if we remember that our life is short and temporary, and that the everlasting life is in the Hereafter, this will put our worries in perspective. 

This belief in the transitory nature of the life of this world reminds us that whatever difficulties, trials, anxieties, and grief we suffer in this world are, Insha Allah, something we will only experience for a short period of time. And more importantly, if we handle these tests with patience, Allah will reward us for it.

10. Do Zikr, Allah, Allah!

"... without doubt in the remembrance (Zikr) of Allah do hearts find tranquility" 
(Quran 13:28).

If you commute, use your time in Zikr. Pick any Tasbeeh and do that instead of listening to the radio or reading the newspaper. Maybe you can divide it up between Zikr and planning. Personally, I recite the Tasbeeh of "Subhana Allahe wa be hamdihi, subhan Allahil Azeem" 100 times as I drive. The Prophet taught us these two short phrases which are easy to say but will weigh heavy on our scale of good deeds in the Hereafter. 

When your heart feels heavy with stress or grief, remember Allah and surround yourself with His Zikr.  Zikr refers to all forms of the remembrance of Allah, including Salat, Tasbeeh, Tahmeed, Tahleel, making supplication (Dua), and reading Quran.

"And your Lord says: 'Call on Me; I will answer your (prayer)..." (Quran 40:60)

By remembering Allah in the way He has taught us to, we are more likely to gain acceptance of our prayers and His Mercy in times of difficulty. We are communicating with the only One Who not only Hears and Knows all, but Who can change our situation and give us the patience to deal with our difficulties.

"Remember Me, and I shall remember you; be grateful to Me, and deny Me not" 
(Quran 2:152).

11. Relying on Allah: Tawakkul

When you awaken in the morning, thank Allah for giving you life after that short death called sleep. When you step out of your home, say 'in Your Name Allah, I put my trust in Allah, and there is no power or force except with Allah' (Bismillahi Tawakal to al Allah wa la hawla wa la quwwata illa billah). At night, remember Allah, with His praises on your lips.

Once you have established a plan you intend to follow through on to deal with a specific issue or problem in your life, put your trust in the most Wise and the All-Knowing.

"When you have taken a decision, put your trust in Allah" (Quran 3: 159).

Rely on Allah by constantly remembering Him throughout your day. When you
lay down to sleep, remember that sleep is death. That is why one of the recommended supplications before going to sleep is "with Your (Allah's) Name I die and become alive". 

12. Connect with other human beings

You are not alone. Muslims are not alone. We are not suffering in silence. There are millions of good people who are not Muslim with beautiful hearts and minds. These are people who have supported us, individually and collectively, post-9/11, by checking up on us and making sure we are safe. These are individuals and organizations who have spoken up in defense of Muslims as we endured harassment and discrimination.

We must think of them, talk to them, connect with them, and pray for them. Through our connections, we will break the chain of isolation that leads to depression and anxiety. 

13. Compare your dining table with that of those who don't have as much as you do

The Prophet said: Whenever you see someone better than you in wealth, face or figure, you should look at someone who is inferior to you in these respects (so that you may thank Allah for His blessings) (Bukhari, Muslim).

Next time you sit down to eat, eye the table carefully. Check out the selection of food, the quality, the taste, the quantity, and then think of the millions of others who don't have even half as much. The Prophet's Hadith reminds us of this so that we can appreciate and thank God for all that we have.

Also remember that the Prophet only encouraged us to compare ourselves to others in two respects: in our Islamic knowledge and level of belief in God (Deen). In these two areas, we should compare ourselves with those who have more than what we do.

14. Say it Loud: Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar: Takbirat & Adhan

Find a corner of a lake, go out in the wilderness, or even stand on your lawn at your home and call the Adhan with your heart. While driving, instead of listening to the same news over and over again, say Allahu Akbar as loudly as you can or as softly as you want, based on your mood. Year ago, I remember calling Adhan on a Lake Michigan shore in Chicago after sunset as the water gushed against my knees. I was calling it for myself. There was no one else accept the waves after waves of water with their symphony. It was relaxing and meaningful. Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar. 

15. Pray in congregation (Jamat)

Pray with other people instead of alone. If you can't pray all five prayers in congregation, at least find one or two prayers you can pray with others. If you are away, establish Jamat in your own family. During the Prophet's time, even though the Muslims endured great persecution, including physical beatings, they would sometimes meet on the side of a mountain or valley and tried to pray together. This is a great morale booster.

16. How is your Imam's Dua?

Does the Imam at your local mosque make Dua silently or out loud? Ask him to supplicate with the whole congregation. Suggest Duas for him to make. Ask him to make Dua for other people.

17. Work for the Unity of Muslims

Bringing Muslims together will not only help the Muslims, but it will also encourage you to focus your energies on something constructive versus zeroing in on and consistently fretting about difficulties you are going through.

Invite Muslims from other ethnic groups to your functions. Visit Masjids other than yours in your city. When you meet a Muslim leader, after thanking him for his efforts, ask him what he is doing for Muslim unity. Ask Imams to make Dua for this. These are just small ways you can help yourself and the Muslim community. 

18. Sleep the way the Prophet slept 

End your day on a positive note. Make Wudu, then think of your day. Thank Allah for all the good things you accomplished, like Zikr and Salat. Ask yourself what you did today to bring humanity together and what you did to help Muslims become servants of humanity. For everything positive, say Alhamdu lillah (Praise be to Allah). For everything negative say Astaghfirullah wa atoobo ilayk (I seek Allah's forgiveness and I turn to You [Allah]). Recite the last two chapters of the Quran, thinking and praying as you turn on your right side with your hand below your right cheek, the way the Prophet used to sleep. Then close your day with the name of Allah on your tongue. Insha Allah, you will have a good, restful night. 

19. Begin the Day on a Positive Note

Get up early. Get up thanking God that He has given you another day. Alhamdu lillahil lazi ahyana bada ma amatana, wa ilaihin Nushoor (Praise be to Allah Who gave us life after death and unto Him will be the return). Invest in an audio tape driven alarm clock so you can get up to the melody of the Quran. Or Let Dawud Wharnsby's joyful notes put you in a good mood. Sing along if you like. Develop your to do list for the day if you didn't do it the night before. Begin with the name of Allah, with Whose name nothing in the heavens or the earth can hurt you. He is the Highest and the Greatest.

(Bismillahillazi la yazurru maa ismihi shaiun fil arze wa la fis samae, wahuwal Alee ul Azeem).The Prophet used to say this after every Fajr and Maghrib prayers.

20. Avoid Media Overexposure: Switch from News to Books

Don't spend too much time checking out the news on the radio, television or internet. Spend more time reading good books and journals. When you listen to the persistent barrage of bad news, especially relating to Muslims nowadays, you feel not only depressed, but powerless. Cut down media time to reduce your stress and anxiety. It's important to know what's going on but not to an extent that it ruins your day or your mood. (similarly, when you are in a sad mood, refrain from wallowing and listening to sad songs)

21. Pray for Others to Heal Yourself.

The Prophet was always concerned about other people, Muslims and non-Muslims, and would regularly pray for them. Praying for others connects you with them and helps you understand their suffering. This in itself has a healing component to it. The Prophet has said that praying for someone who is not present increases love. 

22. Make the Quran your Partner

Reading and listening to the Quran will help refresh our hearts and our minds. Recite it out loud or in a low voice. Listen to it in the car. When you are praying Nafl or extra prayers, pick it up and use it to recite portions of the Quran you are not as familiar with. Connecting to the Quran means connecting to God. Let it be a means to heal your heart of stress and worries. Invest in different recordings of the Quran and their translations.

"O humanity! There has come to you a direction from your Lord and a cure for all [the ills] in men's hearts - and for those who believe, a Guidance and a Mercy" (Quran 10:57).

23. Be thankful to Allah

"If you are grateful, I will give you more" (Quran 14:7).

Counting our blessings helps us not only be grateful for what we have, but it also reminds us that we are so much better off than millions of others, whether that is in terms of our health, family, financial situation, or other aspects of our life. And being grateful for all we have helps us maintain a positive attitude in the face of worries and challenges we are facing almost daily. 

24. Ideals: ONE STEP AT A TIME

Ideals are wonderful things to pursue. But do that gradually. Think, prioritize, plan, and move forward. One step at a time. 

25. EFFORTS not Results Count in the Eyes of Allah

Our success depends on our sincere efforts to the best of our abilities. It is the mercy of Allah that He does not demand results, Alhamdu lillah. He is happy if He finds us making our best sincere effort. Thank you Allah!

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